The Modern life style has contributed a lot in affecting the physical and emotional health of individuals; the excessive use of equipment/computers coupled with irregular working shifts have caused major health concerns. There is no denying the fact that the use of astrology may indicate well in advance the health pattern of a nature in the forthcoming periods.

Our Divine Astrologer Thetiyur V.Mahadevan have a deep insight into your horoscope to know the reasons and the remedies to put the right things. Our Divine Astrologer Thetiyur V.Mahadevan  will examine the horoscope and guide you on the following areas :

  • A fairly good idea about your health in general.
  • The indications of level of your immune-system.
  • Whether there are indications of surgical interventions in near future.
  • Whether there are indications of any accident or injury in near future.
  • Any other issue bothering you about your health.
  • Suitable guidance and advice, remedies for better physical and emotional health and for speedy recovery from any specific illness/disease.

[Rates on Request]